Retirement Home Haus Vogelsang, 22.2.98 Matth. 18, 1-3; (read) It is already a funny statement that someone must become like a child to come in heaven. I made a couple of thoughts about beeing a child and I get for illustration my little son with me. Much of them I tell you will be well-known for you because the most of you have raised your own children. Many from you have surely already grandsons or even great-grandsons. -- Boundless trust in the parents -- A small child expects to be provided by the parents. If our son is hungrey he whines us as long as he gets something to eat and this is ok. -- If you are as a small child by your papa then you are save. -- Where the parents are, there is the right place. (Sometimes the parting is hard for him if we bring him to Grandma.. ) -- If you as a small child undertakes something then is it often important that papa or mama are nearby. -- In the eyes of the small child the parents make everything right. -- A child learns in the beginning mostly from the parents, because it trusts them fully. You can surely add many from your experiences. Why do you have to become now like a child, to come in heaven? Let us compare this relationship parents - child with the relationship man - God. The bible tells that God loves each person and would like to have with each person such a relationship, like parents to their child. And you can get this boundless trust as my son has it now to me also to God. You are really safe by him. He wants to go with you through your live and he does not make errors. He is there if the situation becomes heavy. If the problems overrolls you he carries and helps you. If my son cannot anymore then he only wants to be taken in the arms. God will comfort and keep us. You can learn from him and become changed. In the bible this relationship is called the condition to be "God's child". Some people will say: But we all are children of god, aren't we? All persons are God's creatures, but not all God's children, because many people do not want this relationship to God. If I would not take care about my son then I am of course his "producer", but I would not earn the designation "father". Similar it is at us men: If we do not want a relationship to God, then we are his creature of course but not his child. But what does this have to do with "go to heaven" ? In heaven you will have a very intensive relationship to God, much more intensive, you can have on earth. Und only if you want to have a relationship to god here on earth, only then you can have a relationship to god after your life here on earth; otherwise you remain outside Jesus said this very clear. Pray to God, that you would like to be also God's child if you want and you still not are. God will show you the way if you mean it honestly. You cannot do some things well if you are old like running or something else but you can become God's child even with 110. I wish it you. AMEN