Impulses, thought-provoking, profound and entertaining
The following sermons on biblical topics are free for non-commercial use.
The contents are not meant to be simply taken over unchecked, but to stimulate discussion with Jesus Christ, even or especially if one may disagree with some or many points.
Each text represents my state of knowledge at the time I wrote it and may differ from my state of knowledge today (but probably not fundamentally).
Each text has been translated automatically.
If you have any questions, comments or criticisms, please feel free to discuss them by mail.
Reflections on justice and violence and a path to new hope...
The mote in the eye of the other, our bias and why Jesus Christ teaches us humility...
A place where you meet God: What does that do to our togetherness?
From the unknown to the familiar, from I to we
From the unknown to the familiar, from I to we
Forget what lies behind us? Looking at what lies ahead?
You can't do whatever you want...
The better nobility: The privilege of being a Christian
Turn round at the next opportunity: Is God a sat nav?
Do we need something like this? Where are our personal boundaries?
From rubble to reconstruction: learning from Nehemiah's construction project.
How nice it is when everyone has the same opinion! And how annoying the others are...
Only be where it is familiar? Can Christmas motivate us to open doors?
Why do they do what is not allowed? Who decides what is allowed and what is forbidden?
Forgiveness in the age of revenge? How do we deal with thoughts of revenge?
Values? For here? For eternity? Because I am worth it to myself? Reflections on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount
Thoughts on old and young in a community
How can you go on when you don't know where to go and so much is changing so quickly?
The story of a shed... How do you build a community? According to what plan? With what leadership?
An immersion into the life of Esther by looking at the first four chapters of the biblical book of Esther.
Pull yourself together, get up, fix the crown, move on? Is it that simple?
How much do we see when we look at ourselves? Are we transparent? Is God transparent?
What does Christmas have to do with hope and peace? Just the usual drivel? Or is there more?
How much do you and I have in common with Pharisees? Does it have to be that way?
What actually comes out of it?
Would you rather have familiar blows than an uncertain hope? Would you rather have familiar slavery than freedom in an unknown country?
A bit like 'Game of Thrones' in the Bible... (1 Kings 12)
What do our expectations do and how do the expectations of others affect us?
Do I have hope for myself and my future? Hopefully!
How do you deal with war? And that as a Christian?
For quite a few people, the hardest thing is to admit that you need help.
What is the important thing to hear?
What is it like to think you know exactly what's going on, to be sure of everything?
How do you connect the opposites of grace and truth, of justice and peace (Psalm 85)?
What do you think is wrong or right, and what is worth taking a stand for?
Humility, a term from a bygone era? What is it, do I need it and what do I actually know?
Planning, strategy for the community, how does it fit with living out of faith?
Burdens, weighed down... What weighs on us and how do we deal with it?
Talking to each other, understanding each other... What are our truths?
Mistakes and change... how do you deal with them?
Do you get lost in the crowd and are you just part of a crowd? Or are you something special? (Psalm 139)
Anger? Does that make sense? Somehow the whole of society seems to have become angrier. How do we deal with it?
Differences of opinion? Is there a way beyond the echo chamber and shitstorm? A positive example from the Bible...
Aimed, hit? What is our goal?
Instead of breaking out, you are freed from prison.
To what extent is corona changing our faith?
How does a church service work? (Online worship service)
The new land under the sign of Corona (Joshua 1, online service)
It is all in vain to remain under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1+2)
The story of a king who makes a special decision
I believe, help my unbelief. What do I actually believe?
Joy created by Christmas (sermon, parts of which are embedded in a nativity play)
Strategy? For my life? For the church?
What does God give us? And what is possible without his gift? (Psalm 127)
Conquering a new land? Thoughts on the calling of Joshua as the new leader of Israel (Joshua 1)
Behavior that leads to peace; Closing sermon of the sermon series 'Peace'
Jesus really rose from the dead, what do I get out of it?
Can a community be great? And is our community great?
John the Baptist: Who was he and what does he have to say to us today? (Matthew 3)
Are we wavering? God protects us (Psalm 125).
Wait? Expect? Sermon on Advent
What if the Lord had not been for us... (Psalm 124)
On the Way to the Beginning (via Naamann, 2 Kings 5:1-19)
Christmas Sermon on Luke 2:1–7
Sermon on Judges 4: War and Women ;-) Never go out without God!
Sermon on Happiness (based on Psalm 1)
Contemplation of the two Our Fathers
I spread the good news out of conviction (campaign: 42 days for my friends)
Who tells you the truth? (on Deuteronomy 18:9-19)
Death and War (Sermon on the Sunday of the Dead)
Fun in itself (sermon at the city festival service)
About the advantages and disadvantages of drawers
Lost? What is lost? A sheep, a coin, a son? Yourself?
Peter Schütt
Mail: peter-en